Paul Bramley is an artist whose work aligns itself in the liminal space between disciplines, amalgamating painting with a wide array of other media. His work is a socio – political discourse informed by a longstanding fascination with displacement, permeation and syntheses.


His work is medium unspecific, working with what comes to hand: discarded remnants of trades, the orts of crafts, the everyday. This eclectic approach to  materiality encapsulates the notion of wayfaring, following the materials rather than travelling a fixed path from A to B. The areas where territories shift and merge, or deterritorialize and reterritorialize are the areas of great interest, questioning formerly established identities and boundaries.


Paul has always investigated the art as object premise and through his practice aims to find a balance between artist led intervention, networked assemblage and material agency. The work acts as a storage vessel of lived labour and the starting point for a piece of work can often come from the most serendipitous of occurrences, wood salvaged from a joiner’s bin or a scrapped skip find. This ad-hoc cross-pollination of materiality allows him to consider painting as a set of possibilities rather than a medium in stasis.




Full name: Paul Philip Bramley.

Born: Beverley, Yorkshire, UK. 1977.


Instagram: @bramley_paul



1996 - 99 BA Politics. The University of Leicester.

HND 3D Design. Bishop Burton College. 2005 - 2007.

2015 - 2017 MA Creative Practice. Leeds College of Art.


Group Show. Blacksmiths Shop. Bishop Wilton. July 2023.

Open Call. The Old Parcels Office. Scarborough. February 2023.

A Rabblement of Bone and Rot. Art Works. Halifax. September 2022.

Beep Painting Biennial. Elysium Gallery. Wrexham. July 2022.

Group show. Blacksmiths Shop, Bishop Wilton. July 2022.

Border Crossing. Pineapple Black, Middlesborough. September 2021.

Yellow Archangel: Perceiving Anomalies. General Practice, Lincoln. June 2021.

Yellow Archangel: An Exhibition of Rhizomic Painting. Oceans Apart, Manchester. September 2020.

Up Down Over Across Along. Bowery, Leeds. September 2019.

Threshold, Liverpool. March 2019

Game Changer, Bankley Gallery, Manchester. March 2018.

The Abingdon Experiment, Blackpool. January 2018.

Transfuse, The Great Medical Disaster, Manchester. October 2017.

Re:Mastered, Leeds Arts University. October 2017.

Recent works, With Polly Tomlinson, Studio 24, Leeds. March 2017.

Blue, Espacio Gallery, London. February 2016.

Forward, Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley. July 2015

Convergence, Espacio Gallery, London. February 2015.

Departure, Sunny Bank Mills, Farsley July 2014.

Selection Box, Pyramid Gallery, York, October 2013.

The Cemetery 175th anniversary, York. September 2013.

York Open Studios. April 2013.

Summer open, Bar Lane Studios, York. June 2012.

Written and Published. 

Seven Turns, Meditations on a Coffee Mill, Corridor 8, February 2016.

Paul Bramley and Jenny Eden in Conversation with Terry Greene, Corridor 8. October 2015.

Medieval Helpdesk, Corridor 8. July 2015.

Painting in Time, Corridor 8. May 2015.

Residency: AHH Studio Collective. September to October 2023.



English Teacher. The British School of English. Bari.  2001 -2002.

Self Employed Furniture Restorer. York. England. 2002 – 2008.

English Teacher. Employed and Self Employed. Barcelona. Spain. 2008 – 2012.

Furniture Restorer. Self Employed. East Yorkshire. England. 2012 to date.